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Rooster tripawed
28 Jan 2012

That place

Author: rooster | Filed under: Uncategorized
Twas quite an okay day ,lots of little pets around ,screamers criers. and even a few whiners . Kinda got ripped off in the food department ,everyone took off to the place that feeds me meat on a plate to have All You Can Eat ,while i sat wondering when my pet human would be back .But alas they all came back . The day before i did quite well being let out to lay in the shade for a few hours with out all the supervision that the past few weeks have been laced with ,but still feel quite ripped off in the whole holiday food thing. All in all everyone seemed to be having fun tho my pet human seems to be suffering from a right paw relapse of some previous ailments ,tho i think it could be just sympathy pains for the troubles that have bestowed me these last few weeks . Then low and behold everyone left as quick as they had arrived , so much for reminiscing of old times banging the gong and what not, seems there was more important things to do elsewhere, Tho one hard working girl had her call of duty to attend to the rest seemed driven by some unseen to me force that lingered just under the surface and as the night wore on became more apparent ,then its presence faded . All in all it was quite the day . I still don’t understand the human concept of visual trinkets and baubles over-weighing the vision of a human puppy, nor the need for this lame game they call football. But what do i know I’m just dog , and as you know we have been known to eat our young for our own subsistence. My pet human says if the shoe fits wear it if not chew on it and hope you don’t choke .

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