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Rooster tripawed
28 Jan 2012

So tired….

Author: rooster | Filed under: Uncategorized
I’m so tired i haven’t slept a wink ,I’m so tired my mind is on the blink ,i wonder should i get up and fix another drink……….humans who can figure them out ? He has been singing that song all day …. oh well i guess we all get tired. Me ,I’m doing great ,got through my ten crucial days of post Chemo blahs without even one upchuck nor any runny poo to boot ,so I guess I’m quite thankful. Went down to the coast and got what else STUCK WITH A NEEDLE and they sucked my blood out ,but i guess in this case its a must and all in all the results came out great and the chemicals they are pumping me full of are not rotting any of my internal organs away so I’m a happy pup so to speak. Went to a BBQ for rickyand got fed lots of goodies enough so that i haven’t wanted to eat much of this dry (even though its the best) dog food nor even the stuff all mushy out of a can that i usually love . But its wearing off or it was until the pet let me help myself to some laughing cow cheese and a big hunk of Gravlax (salt cured Norwegian salmon) but hey whose complaining? Gotta see my buddy Dixie roo and those little fur balls they call dogs that hang around with her, wore myself out chasing them about the backyard and what not. Came back home to the Badlands and man its cold up here ,my pet human had to go out twice and break the ice on my water bucket so i could get a drink and man was that water good .Took a walk OUTSIDE the perimeter fence yesterday and hop-walked all the way to the mailbox and half way back before deciding that it was break time (actually i was hoping that the rabbit i saw last week would come running by but no such luck) and the pet was very patient and was waiting for me then i gave myself away seeing a cat down the street and hopped up and ran so fast my pet had a hard time keeping up with me ( now he knows I have been slacking and playing this whole thing out) oh well . Kicked it today and watched the human move a big pile of wood from one place to another (never will understand this breed ) and got to bark at and sniff the phone guy who showed up a week late and was not even needed . So all in all its been a good start of the week and was not a bad end of the last other then the fact I have over did it and am sore as your hell……. So with that i bid you good evening and wish to remind that certain someone to keep chewing on that shoe……….. ciao .

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