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Rooster tripawed
28 Jan 2012


Author: rooster | Filed under: Uncategorized
Hola ,that’s what they say around here in the badlands . We had a pretty good day today me and my buddy or whatever he is to me in this you get human plate food and i get this chunked up who knows what’s in it dry corn tasting crap life we lead up here .But all in all it was good did some light scratching which my buddy /pet yelled profusely but still got fed my usual now unusual extra bits of treats before then being forced mouth agape and having two or three white bitter tasting things dropped in my mouth and then having it held shut until i swallow this dry nasty concoction of who knows what.But all in all i guess it okay for the time being. Took a walk around the yard and ventured down to bark and the neighbor kids walking by ,and then went over by the wood pile and watched my Pet /buddy drink a few beers and watch the mountain saying something like how” sometimes the mountain gets that hue that just makes it gleam and makes you feel so alive and connected and other times its just a hill of dirt being eroded away by wind and rain to someday be a vast barren plain ” But you know these humans they get all butt cranked into such trivial bullshit that it boggles a dogs mind . Oh well we are kicking it on the kitchen floor the buddy / pet has loaded up the wood, so now its just another night of listening to this God awful music (why cant he play some harmonica so i cans sing ,ah yes a little Dylan) oh well the food has gotten better so i guess i will make the best of it. Ciao

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